62 minutes

Up for Discussion

1. Introduction
2. KNOW YOUR ENEMY– Q& A with this week’s guest, Katie Hogan (4:41)
3. THE NEW SLANG – Review and reaction to WHILE WE’RE YOUNG (17:51)
4. THE OTHER SIDE – Several titles selected by Katie and I, including YOUNG ADULT and THE ICE STORM (43:57)


Thoughts from your host…


Dearly Beloved –

We gather here today to pay respects to the podcast segment “Come Talk to Me”. It was born in the spring of 2010, and passed away peacefully in the spring of 2015. It is survived by its host, Ryan Michael McNeil

Jokes aside, as much as I loved reading notes, tweets, and comments from you fine folks on-air, the truth of the matter was that the feedback was dwindling, and my audience is too small to support such a feature. The big shows might get comments in the dozens or hundreds – I usually get a handful, and even at that it usually requires several prompts on social media. So while I’m always around to interact with my meagre listenership, I’m going to leave that off air for the foreseeable future.

In the meantime, we have a very cheerful and intelligent guest lined up for this new episode. Considering that I’ve only been following her work for a few months, I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect. So when the tape started rolling and I could hear that she was bringing the goods, I considered myself one lucky host!

There’s been a lot of great discussion happening on the show in 2015…both for bad films and good. The way this charming lass was able to keep the trend going really did make my day!

That and Daredevil, lots of Daredevil…


Thanks for tuning into episode one-hundred-thirty-five.

Katie’s Twitter feed can be found here. You can subscribe to the Matineecast via iTunes or RSS

Comments and feedback are welcome, and thank-you very much for listening.


One Reply to “Episode 135 – WHILE WE’RE YOUNG”

  1. Great listen as ever. I look forward to your thoughts on Ex Machina, it is my favourite film of the year so far, not forgetting that a few of last years best films (and Oscar contenders) came out this year over here.

    For the record North by Northwest is my favourite Hickcock film.

    I really liked While We’re Young, probably more than Frances Ha. I have never been a fan of Ben Stiller but did really like him in this and in Walter Mitty. I agree with what you say that the wives characters were sidelined in the movie but it really was a movie about Ben Stiller’s character, his relationship with Adam Driver’s character was as important as the one with his wife as this is what drove the plot. It is a shame as both Naomi Watts and Amanda Seyfried can do so much more.

    I think the question of why Josh and Cornelia don’t have kids was discussed and explained more in the film than you gave it credit for. Interesting to see what you think on a second watch. As a documentary man I am surprised you didn’t delve more into the questions raised about documentaries.

    You asked who you sided with the kids in their 20’s or the couple in their 40’s. I am a similar age to you (the right side of 40 but not for long), and like you find myself somewhere in the middle. But also think we are forced to side more with the older couple, simply because Jamie is such a dick! This is why I find the conclusion to the movie a little unsatisfying. It is as if they are presenting it as a choice between having friends their own age or younger friends, they can’t have both. I do ike your idea of “a cry for balance” I don’t have an E-reader, so only read books. I listen to vinyl records and have a reasonable collection, but listen to CDs and MP3’s. I still watch VHS videos, simply because I have hundreds of them and would cost a fortune to upgrade them all. I have known people like Jamie, they are trying too hard to be hip and cool to ever be so. Most people in the real world do have more balance.

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