Yes: I did just name-check a Tea Party song. What’s it to ya?

I normally only post trailers on Wednesdays, but the regular schedule is going to be a little messy between now and Hot Docs. Thanks for understanding.

A recent film that captured my imagination, and played even better on re-watch is Neil Blomkamp’s 2009 sci-fi yarn, DISTRICT 9. It was glorious to see the way the film laced the issue of attitudes towards refugees into a sci-fi tale, and all the more impressive to see what a visionary director could do on a pretty low-budget. Heck, as I re-read my own review, I notice all sorts of details I missed or would rethink my position on!

Well now, four long years after that Best Picture nominee came and went, the brains behind it has returned with another sci-fi project, one that seems even more ambitious.

Looks like this year we have something to look forward to in August folks!