"There's nothin' I can't do on a podcast"
“There’s nothin’ I can’t do on a podcast”

Since I first plugged in my microphone almost five years back, I’ve appeared on several podcasts hosted by my friends and neighbours. This week though, I got to take part in a first – this was the first time that I was part of a podcast’s first episode!

You see, last autumn, I had Kate drop by The Matineecast to discuss GRAVITY. When I was listening back to it to edit and publish the episode, I found myself thinking “Hey – Kate has a pretty good voice for this”. It wasn’t long until I started suggesting to Kate that she start a show of her own, and keep the content coming. When I brought it up, I discovered that Kate was equally happy with the experience of creating the show as I was with the end result. Thus the seed was planted, all it needed was a little water and sunlight.

Now this is Kate’s first episode, which means there are a few bumps and bruises to be had (there’s a reason why Matineecast #1 isn’t available for download any more). However, the results you’ll hear should at the very least give you a good idea at what our geeky friendship has become in the seven months since I’ve met her. What’s more, it’ll give you a chance to hear me wax on about movies and films I don’t often bring up…like DAYS OF THUNDER.

As it turns out, the format Kate decided on has actually spawned two episodes where only one was planned. So keep your eyes peeled for a second appearance in a week or two where we’ll review a film on Netflix.

The episode is embedded here. Any comments about why EMPIRE RECORDS is actually awesome, or why I should finally watch SHOWGIRLS can be left below.