Easy Tiger

Note: THE DARK KNIGHT hits theatres this coming Friday, and I for one couldn’t be more excited. As such, this space will pretty much be a Bat-Blog for most of this week.

With mere days to go until the new Batman movie is released, the buzz machine is running at red-line level.

There has only been one negative review posted so far…midnight screenings are already sold out…advanced ticket sales are through the roof…there’s even talk that the film could challenge SPIDER-MAN 3 for the biggest opening weekend.

But for all the bat-hype that’s been pouring out over the last few months, there’s one little detail that’s getting my back up. Five little words that make me want to tell everyone to simmer down…

“Oscar Nomination for Heath Ledger”

Calling for a nomination for Heath is a lot like picking Tampa Bay to win the World Series. Yes, things look stellar right now, but we are still a l-o-o-o-o-o-n-g way off from Awards season. There’s plenty that can happen between mid July and the end of the year. So let’s all ease off on the “For Your Consideration” pages shall we?

This also isn’t to say that I might not change my tune come December – which is quite likely. This also isn’t to say that I don’t think he’s worthy – he may well be. And likewise, it isn’t any sort of a slight on his work as The Joker – which I will be monumentally disappointed if it isn’t what I expect it to be. All early accounts say that Ledger’s performance is a definitive Joker…one that will leave audiences asking “Jack who?”. All I can say early on, is that Hollywood should take notice that casting a geek-out movie well can sometimes make the difference between a smash hit, and just another throw away blow-em-up.

However, I can’t get on the Heath Nomination Band Wagon quite yet. Despite the fact that movies like Batman seldom get any artistic award love (though lots of technical and effects), I must re-iterate my earlier point about there being a lot of time left on the clock before the game is over. Those who vote for awards have amazingly short memories – why else do you think studios hold all their best stuff for the last three months of the year? Likewise, I don’t think Ledger’s untimely death will garner an automatic sympathy vote. Such occurrences and much rarer than you’d think, and sad as his passing was, he’ll still have to earn the love he gets at the end of the year.

Come February, we could well read Heath Ledger’s name on many a nominee list. But amazing as I’m sure his work in this movie will be, I think we should come back to this conversation in November.

3 Replies to “Easy Tiger

  1. Some years it’s all but wrapped up. Did anybody doubt that Javier was going to win last year? It’s not exactly the category for big upsets.

    But, the combination of a villainous role, his unfortunate passing and the fact that Dark Knight seems to be a movie defying expectations of critics and fans alike might make a perfect Oscar storm if you will. And never underestimate the strong arm tactics of a studio like Warners come campaign season.

  2. Good points Michael…but the first question is whether he would qualify in supporting or lead.

    And while Javier pretty much had the award cinched from the moment it was released…it was still a November release, and late enough in the year to get a good idea of the competition.

    Heck, three of the four other nominees were from films that had been released by the time NO COUNTRY came along.

    Warner might well put a push behind his performance – I’m still on my “Way too early” stance to get behind such chatter.

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