Decade pt. iv ( Top Five 00’s Movies – 2003 )

The fourth year of this new millennium was a tad on the lousy side, primarily because it was a year dominated by sequels. 2003 brought us the second CHARLIE’S ANGELS, BAD BOYS. It also bequeathed us a third TERMINATOR, AMERICAN PIE, and FINAL DESTINATION.

Not enough franchise goodness for you? Likewise remember that this was the year that gave us a second and third MATRIX!

Thankfully, movie makers did take a moment or two away from their rehashes to provide filmgoers with some memorable cinema…barely.

It was the year that bookworms started buzzing about some strange code associated with DaVinci. It was the year a SARS panic rocked my hometown. And it was the summer that a blackout knocked out all the lights on the eastern seaboard one August night. After the jump, please find…

Hatter’s Top Five Films of 2003

#5. KILL BILL… There are some who would call my inclusion of Tarantino’s ultra-violent opus on this film complete heresy. I’m well aware that the man stole three quarters of the ideas in this film from dozens of B films he’d watched…but he’s brought all those films so beautifully creating one badass symphony of cool. The visual style, the crackling soundtrack, and the signature dialogue – it all came together beautifully to form this first chapter of The Bride’s revenge. Now if only someone would get to work putting volume 1 and 2 together into one suped up dvd package, I’d be a happy hatter.

#4. THE TRIPLETS OF BELLEVILLE… This was the year that an animated movie about fish blew everybody away. However, for me, this was the best animated film of the year. In an age where celebrities voice most animated characters, here comes a film with about a dozen lines of spoken dialogue. Even without words, the characters in this film express their love for the simple things in life – making music, riding bicycles, and barking at cars. Adding a cherry to this cinematic sundae, is an infectious theme song that you are guaranteed to be humming for days. Of course, in true unjust Hollywood form it was denied an Oscar for Best Song…to “Into the West”…from LORD OF THE RINGS.

#3. LOST IN TRANSLATION… Really and truly, this entire movie’s brilliance rests with Bill Murray. For the one time Peter Venkman, this was the performance of a lifetime, quite often saying volumes without even opening his mouth. Of course, when he did open his mouth, he got me laughing heartily on more than one occasion (Namely “You want mystery. OK, I’ll just wonder where the hell the whiskey went.”). While I’ve never been fully sold on how much control writer/director Sofia Coppola had over this film, I’ll give her props for that absolutely amazing ending. One of the best unsolved mysteries in film history.

#2. A MIGHTY WIND… This flick could have made my five solely for the line “I suffered a lot of abuse as a child…mostly musical in nature.” Admittedly, I was late to the party when it comes to Christopher Guest. This was the first of his mockumentaries I saw in a theatre, and for my money it’s the best one. Unleashing his band of merrymakers on the sometimes absurd world of folk music, he created a movie equal parts snarky, surreal, and sweet. Perhaps the best example of this was Catherine O’Hara and Eugene Levy as Mitch & Mickey, whose tender song “Kiss at The End Of The Rainbow” provided for a moment of real enchantment amidst all the lunacy. Of course, in true unjust Hollywood form it was denied an Oscar for Best Song…to “Into the West”…from LORD OF THE RINGS.

#1. MYSTIC RIVER… I get a lot of arguments about this movie, but I don’t care…it’s become one of my all time favorites. It’s a grown-up movie about grown-up horrors. Surprisingly beautiful in its photography, and something of an acting clinic with its all-star performances, Clint Eastwood’s big directing comeback is one that I believe will stand the test of time.While there are many occasions in the film that a more cliched film would have its characters yelling, few characters in this movie raise their voice at all…making it all the more haunting.

Others on my shortlist for 2003 include WHALE RIDER, MASTER AND COMMANDER, ELF, 21 GRAMS, FINDING NEMO, AMERICAN SPLENDOR, LORD OF THE RINGS: RETURN OF THE KING and BIG FISH. Check in on July 28th for the next installment, my top five films of 2004.

Did I miss one? Feel free to leave comments with your own favorite movies from 2003, along with suggestions for the next top five.

8 Replies to “Decade pt. iv ( Top Five 00’s Movies – 2003 )

  1. hmmmm – I would take Lost In Translation off (only because I found it to be a tearfully boring movie about boring people being bored in an interesting culture)

    and then re-shuffle the other four to fit either Capturing the Friedmans or Owning Mahowny in there.

    I have a ton of personal faves from that year

    28 Days Later
    Calender Girls
    Bruce Almighty
    (a ton more)

    but I wouldn't put them up for "best of's" … well maybe 28 Day Later now that I think about it.

    ~ B ~

  2. Dammit – I always forget one. CAPTURING THE FRIEDMANS probably would have made my list since I consider it the best doc I've ever seen.

    Crap…that's two years in a row I've forgotten a fave.

    …BRUCE ALMIGHTY? Really??

  3. I know, I know … it's for Morgan Freeman though and the best on screen portrayal of God I have EVER seen.

    ~ B ~

  4. No Nemo? I mean, my picks might include The Cooler, how could you forget about Nemo? It's second only to The Incredibles!

  5. @ Mike… I didn't forget about Nemo. I dig it, but it isn't the be-all and end-all for me. Of Pixar's, I dig the Toy Story's, Wall-E, and indeed The Incredibles more.

  6. Very good list their buddy, but I think LOST IN TRANSLATION is my favorite. I just love, love that film. Bill and Scarlett were perfect together. Great directing by Sofia Coppola.

  7. Lost In Translation and the third Lord of the Rings movie. But I still prefer the extended version of Lord of The Rings on DVD.

  8. I agree with you on Mystic River, that will definitely be on my list. I've seen it almost ten times and it hasn't lost any steam.

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