“You gotta see this…”

Much like Sam handing Andy her headphones and promising that a song would totally change his life, the odd movie has been pointed out to me over the years. Sometimes I’ve been told everything except the cameraman’s birthday, sometimes I’ve simply been handed a dvd and told “Just watch it”.

Off the top of my head…

Sis-in-Law took me to GARDEN STATE.
Kaiderman mailed me TIME CRIMES.
Kurt talked up DON’T LOOK NOW on his podcast.
My bff Amanda suggested MEMENTO.

And countless, conutless times, my co-horts here in the blogosphere have suggested titles that I’d skipped past, never heard of, or written off.

Much as I pride myself on being in-the-know, there are just moments where I find myself oblivious. I’m either not paying attention and something smaller, older, or smaller and older gets past me. or worse yet, someone has suggested it to me and I’ve sloughed it off as “Not my thing”.

We need our arms twisted sometimes. We need to be dragged out of our comfort zone and give films that look too slight, or too old, or too heavy a chance. We need to trust that our friends know us well and more often than not are truly looking to let us in on something great. It’s tricky since many of us feel set in our ways, and – much as we might believe otherwise – unwilling to embrace something different. But if you’re like me, then you’ll realize that time after time when you do, wonders await.

So, since it’s the feedback topic for the episode of The Matineecast I’m recording tomorrow night, I ask you:

What’s a film you loved…one you might not have otherwise watched…that was suggested to you by someone you know?

2 Replies to “Ch-Check It Out

  1. Leon, Son of Rambow and Eagle vs Shark by my boyfriend
    My Life Without Me, Donnie Darko and Empire Records by my BFF

    I’ve made a few people see Lars and the Real Girl and The Station Agent and they’ve loved them. And I got the BF to watch Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and it instantly made his top 10 šŸ™‚

    1. I’ve still never seen THE STATION AGENT. Perhaps now that WIN WIN is out on blu-ray I’ll make a double feature with that.

      You deserve a merit badge for pushing LARS AND THE REAL GIRL on people.

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