Blog-a-versary Edition of Everybody’s Talkin’ 8-20 (Chatter from Fellow Bloggers)

So tomorrow is my blog-a-versary. Another year, another 65 movies seen.

Indeed for two straight years now I’ve been babbling away hear in my tidy corner of cyberspace, and I’m still humbled that a few dozen of you keep coming back to hear what I have to say. I say it jokingly sometimes, but I always do mean it: Thanks for reading.

The thing is, that I count myself a lucky guy because of all the great people I’ve met. So what good would celebrating another year’s worth of writing be, if I couldn’t share the joy with some of my friends out there in the blogosphere.

So again, thanks for encouraging me to keep at it for two years straight now, and for your reading fulfillment I give you…

Big Mike wondering aloud why many of the better Judd Apatow films aren’t actually Judd Apatow films.

Elgringo at deciding to man up and admit some film classics he’d never seen (and likewise got people talking about ones they’d missed).

Some crazy cats started reading my stuff. Two guys named Ross McG and Ross McD run a nifty little space appropriately called Ross v Ross. This week, they argued which Hitchcock film is better, REAR WINDOW or VERTIGO (I vote VERTIGO btw).

Finally, I discovered another a new blog recently called Joel’s Ticket Stub. He’s from Ottawa, but I won’t hold that against him. Inspired by this week’s release of INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS, Joel decided to look back at RESERVOIR DOGS.


4 Replies to “Blog-a-versary Edition of Everybody’s Talkin’ 8-20 (Chatter from Fellow Bloggers)

  1. @ Mike… I follow about 35 different movie blogs, some of them specialized (ie Bob's Trailer Blog-o-Rama), and I've decided to start doing this "Hey, read this!" post once a week.

    The only proviso I've set myself is not to highlite the same blogger two weeks in a row, so your odds of getting a shout out are pretty darned good!

    Just keep the good stuff comin'

  2. HBV! (That's the new internet shorthand for Happy BlogoVersary that the kids are using…I think.) You're catching up to me! 😉

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