The votes are in, the beans have been counted, and the hellish progamme has been set. Below, in alphabetical order are the seven films I’ll endure this June for the King of Pain Blog-a-Thon. But before that, a call to arms.Misery loves company gang, so I’m hoping that some of you might join me in taking up this cinematic masochism. Join me in taking one for the team and broadening your horizons. Go to the collections of those you care about…your husbands, your wives, your parents, your boyfriends, your girlfriends, your best friends…find that one title that you can’t believe they own. Sit down, get comfy, and watch it in all its glory.

The Blog-a-Thon will begin on Monday June 20th…but I’m hoping to cap it off by linking to as many posts as I can of my fellow bloggers enduring the craptastic film choices of the ones they love on Tuesday June 28th.

As for me, someone hand me a blindfold and a cigarette: Here’s what I’ll be enduring, in alphabetical order…

…Rounding out the roster for this All-Star Team of Atrocity, The Shelf of Doom Commissioner was allowed to peruse those that didn’t make the cut, and add one more title to the line-up as a Commissioner’s Choice…