Back to Life

Admit it – you expected to tune in to this space today and see a still frame of some worn-out movie character under the caption “Today, I Feel Like This”. But nay – despite being so movie’d out that my eyes actually hurt the night before last, this mad tea party isn’t even close to slowing down. Much the opposite in fact. Right this moment there are three features I really want to catch in theatres – with two more arriving this Friday!

Here’s the thing though, I for one am not looking forward to the next three-plus months. I dare say that this could be one long and boring summer at the movies. Half of the slate to come between now and Labour Day feels like junk food…and not even the junk food I usually crave. While I’ll readily admit that I’ll be there opening night for Scott Pilgrim, Robin Hood, and even the A-Team, there aren’t many popcorn flicks beyond those that get my dander up.

And before you mention it, INCEPTION is my whole world between now and July. So help me if it sucks.

So I could sit here and bemoan the state of the multiplex. I could bring up how badly we need a good summer after the steaming bowl of suck that was much of last summer. I could even pine for the warm days of 2008 when many of the blockbusters actually seemed to have half a brain in their head!

But nay, I won’t be that guy. I intend to take these movie geek lemons and make geektastic lemonade.

Here’s the plan gang – I’m gonna work a little harder and chase down the smaller films I usually miss. I already have my eye on flicks like THE TROTSKY (pictured above), and the much ballyhoo’d EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP. I want more of those. I intend to snare this summer’s ONCE…this summer’s IN THE LOOP…this summer’s MAN ON WIRE. Hell, while I’m at it I might pay for those and theatre-jump to something dumb like PRINCE OF PERSIA just to be able to tell y’all just how bad it is!

So that’s the plan. Whaddaya think?

9 Replies to “Back to Life

  1. You know, you missed the perfect opportunity to use the "I'm not dead yet" skit. These opportunities only come along at maximum twice a year! You've got to capture them! Oh well, I suppose after all you've done we can let it slide, just this once.

    As for your plan, it sounds good to me. I haven't read a lot of positive talk for The Trotsky, but with the talent involved I'm incredibly curious to get more feedback. And yes, I think this summer is going to be a bit skiddish (don't forget though we have Toy Story 3 as well – children's film be damned).

  2. I applaud your movie-loving drive! I usually endeavor to seek out smaller releases in theaters as well so I'm excited to share in a lot of your upcoming reviews!

  3. Funny, looking at the list of summer releases, I also wondered what small films I can hunt down in the next few months? I saw Exit Through the Gift Shop this weekend. Well worth a look. I look forward to your posts, good luck!

  4. @ Univarn… I'll save the "I'm not dead" bit for TIFF – that one really takes it out of me!

    I haven't heard much about THE TROTSKY at all, but if it comes down to gambling $13 on that, or placing the same bet on PRINCE OF PERSIA…I'd rather take a flyer on the former.

    @ Alex… Thank ya, glad to have the Forager-Stamp-of-Approval. Perhaps we'll even podcast about one of these smaller movies in a few weeks!

    @ Linda… Heard a lot of good things about GIFT SHOP, so I can't wait. Amusingly, it would seem as though Toronto has had its first few bits of Banksy pieces show up around town!

  5. If Inception sucks, you're all gonna pay.

    And, Univarn be right. Missed opprotunity, my friend.

    I enjoy the Trotsky. Kind of adorable.

  6. Inception cannot suck. It will not suck! I have so much faith in that project that, if it does suck, I may just go out and punt a puppy off a bridge.

    And, hey, come on now. Last summer got a bad rap because of Transformers, but, it wasn't all bad. We got Star Trek, Inglourious Basterds, The Hangover, Up, and DISTRICT 9. There was a lot to hate, but there was a lot to love.

  7. Ah last summer wasn't that bad! Sure Transformers did a lot of sucking but what about Inglourious Basterds, Star Trek, District 9, Julie and Julia uh… yea, not too many others 🙁

  8. @ Simon… Don't worry, you aren;t the only one who has a lot of hopes pinned to INCEPTION. As for "I'm not dead"…I'll trot that one out in the fall after TIFF

    @ Sebastian… We did indeed get good stuff last summer, it just felt like we went long stretches of crap weekends rescued by like ONE good offering a month.

    Perhaps the fact that the summer of 2008 is still so prevelent in my head has spoiled me.

    @ Castor… I'd add AWAY WE GO and THE HURT LOCKER to that list.

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