The further into August we get, the more information we are given about the upcoming Toronto International Film Festival. Specifically, more and more of the selections already unveiled deliver trailers…giving attendees a bit more to work with than just a few recognizable names and a breathless synopsis written by a programmer.

To that end, this week we got our first glimpse at STONEWALL, a new film about an iconic moment in the gay rights movement as directed by Roland Emmerich.

That of course is mild cause for concern, since Emmerich is less known for introspective dramatization of recent history, and more known for aliens who like to blow up The White House, The Empire State Building, and the Caiptol Records building in Los Angeles.

So might this be a moment where a blow-em-up director takes a serious turn and delivers something thoughtful? Or will it instead be a hamfisted attempt at making “a real movie, Jack”?


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