“I need a hero…”

It’s becoming a summer tradition – Kurt Halfyard hits the road, I sub in on The Cinecast. It’s sorta like when Joan Rivers used to host The Tonight Show (as your parents kids).

I always have a good time talking with Andrew James, their show is more free-flowing and long form than mine, so it comes off more like the conversations I’m used to having with the locals. On this episode number 317 – we discuss I’M SO EXCITED and THE WAY WAY BACK before getting to a whole lot of randomness involving Netflix TV distribution, the announcement of TIFF titles, and the watchlist.

Oh – and if you’re a Matineecast listener, you might want to jump to the 6:38 mark when I answer my own Know Your Enemy questions.

Cinecasts are always a long listen (this episode is about double the length of an average Matineecast) – and this time out, I’m probably as much to blame as anyone because the subjects at hand – two films and a short watchlist – should have taken about half the time to discuss.

The episode can be found here. Any comments about how wrong I am, whether Mark Cousins’ narration is engaging or boring, and how thick my Canadian accent is can be left below.