Jake's never gonna be champ. Too many people hate him.
Jake’s never gonna be champ. Too many people hate him.

Today is the start of something new for me as a film writer.

For the better part of a year now, Sam Fragoso has been putting together something special at Movie Mezzanine. There he has amassed a small but wickedly talented stable of writers from all over the world. They bring the goods on a wide array of film topics, and are all far smarter than I am.

That said, I must be doing something right, because I will slowly but surely be joining their ranks! Look for TIFF dispatches to start rolling in come September, and look for another running feature after that – one that I’m still shaping somewhat, so I beg patience on the details.

Today though, I begin by offering up a few thoughts on a film that did well in Mezzanine’s recent 1980’s Poll…


I’m one of those who believe that Raging Bull is the best film of the 1980’s.

It’s a lyrical, operatic, and brutal masterpiece from director Martin Scorsese who would helm multiple masterpieces throughout his career. However, while such qualities can come together to create something great, it’s difficult to articulate why the result feels like “the greatest of them all”. The great films of the 80’s would delight audiences, terrify them, inspire them, and challenge them. The world of cinema was getting smaller, and films were getting greater exposure than ever.

What makes Raging Bull so special? …


Read the full post at Movie Mezzanine



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