As many of you might now, I am a big fan of Superman. I get a lot of eye-rolls and patronizing looks for my fandom, but I don’t care. I have my reasons for being a fan, which I’ll probably explain fully when this movie drops.

Right now, I still remain skeptical that this movie will come off well – primarily because the subject matter seems to stymie so many who have tried – but the optimist in me remains hopeful.

If this brief glimpse is any indication, there’s a chance that my hope could be rewarded!

6 Replies to “Come Fly With Me – MAN OF STEEL Teaser

  1. This…well, this looks very Malick-influenced, speaking to aesthetics. To me that’s nothing but a good thing; Snyder has long worn out his welcome as the king of speed-ramping, and while I doubt he’ll drop that irritating technique out of his bag of tricks entirely, the look of this suggests a refreshing change of pace from what we usually see from him. (Though I grant that this is only 1 minute and change of footage.)

    In terms of approach, this is REALLY clearly Nolan-inspired, which is what I predicted would start to happen after The Dark Knight. Now everyone wants to have a grim, gritty superhero movie in their studio’s release schedule. For Superman, I actually think that sober approach works– the character is defined by (at least in part) melancholy notes, because that’s what makes him resonate. And I don’t think that that footage is “gritty” so much as it’s melancholy.

    So, basically, I’m excited now whereas I wasn’t before.

    1. Yeah, more than a few people have noted the Malick and Nolan influences. I’m hoping that is actually tangible in the film, and not just in these carefully selected teaser moments.

      There is a melancholy nature to Superman’s tale that hasn’t really been explored on-screen before, so if we’re going to finally see that, I am officially jacked.

      If nothing else, this teaser gives me a glimmer of hope.

    1. You’re not alone, there aren’t a whole lot of people who still gravitate towards the wholesomeness of Superman in this increasingly cynical world.

  2. Yeah, not so much dark as it is somber. Which, if you think about it, makes sense for the character. Here is a man who has the talent to do anything, but confined in his abilities to implement his talents.

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