If the malls are busy, and Bing Crosby’s on my TV…it’s time to think about Valentine’s Day, right? No wait…really…I’m serious…

Next February, Hollywood is planning on couples paying down their hard-earned to watch a watered-down adaptation of a watered down piece of fanfiction porn.

That very same weekend, the counter-programming is actually where it’s at. It’s a pretty darned good adaptation of a really sharp musical. What’s more, in the trilogy of Kendrick musicals that we’re about to be privy to over the next six months, this would be my choice as the best.

So there’s that…

3 Replies to “A Miracle Would Happen: THE LAST 5 YEARS Trailer

  1. As much as I like hearing Anna Kendrick singing. This film doesn’t look good. Especially for the fact that Jeremy Jordan fucking sucks.

  2. I think this actually looks really good too! I think Jordan may have the stronger voice of the two (him and Kendrick), but she looks (and sounds) great in the trailer.

    Although, speaking of Valentine’s Day, I think the hubby and I are gonna see Kingsman: Secret Service because it looks like so much fun . . .

    1. They really are on an equal-footing vocally (Kendrick more-or-less grew-up on a Broadway stage), and the cool thing about the film is that it really does a lot to make use of the change in medium fro stage-to-screen.

      So few musicals truly employ that these days!

      Give it a look…but yeah, maybe NOT on the 14th

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