I know what you’re thinking; another autumn with another starring turn by Cooper and Lawrence in another David O. Russell film…

On the surface, it might seem like this team is just getting together to crank out scrambled versions of the same screwball comedy on their way to another round of Oscar nominations. But here’s the thing – you have to see a certain value in a creative team getting together over and over to do various takes on the same tune. We gripe and we squawk about sequels and franchises, while there is an undeniable want for “more”. So why not let the band get back together to make a new record?

Also, if you think that O. Russell is showing up to these projects just to call “action” and keep everyone from bumping into the furniture…then I suggest you pull up ACCIDENTAL LOVE on Netflix, and see what happens when “a David O. Russell film” is taken away from David O. Russell…