First-things-first…you might have noticed a little tweak to The Matinee.

We’ve tweaked the homepage slightly to point visitors towards reviews of worthwhile selections in theatres, on Netflix, and on Blu-Ray/VOD. The idea is for those recommendations to change weekly or so, and allow the conversation around them to go on a little while longer than the two-week life-cycle of most new releases. Many many thanks to Andrew James for engineering this new feature – hopefully y’all enjoy the result!

Next – I’m left to wonder something. This post is going live more than twelve hours later than posts around this place usually do. On the one hand, I’m left wondering if anybody thought The Matinee’s “Iron Man Streak” was ending…but on the other hand, I have to believe that if it was the only person who’d really notice the streak is ending is me.

Regardless, it’s Wednesday so I bring you a glimpse at an upcoming feature, and while there’s a sliver of me that hopes this film will be good, I’m not really all that optimistic. I remain hopeful, mind you…but something about this film looks a little too WE WERE SOLDIERS, and not enough BLACK HAWK DOWN.