Eventually, a day will come when I won’t have the luxury or the desire to be right on the pulse of pop culture. Things change, interests change, all sorts of things could become higher priorities.

What I wonder about is when this day arrives if I’ll be able to avoid details of this movie or that show, if it will all get spoiled for me well ahead of time…or if I’ll even care.

I ask this because as I type, I have episode three of “The Jinx” playing on my television, and it’s been all I can do to avoid the details of what goes on in the series. The ultimate payoff was tipped, unfortunately, which actually is what got me into the show – but everything else remains a mystery. It’s involved me scrolling past Facebook posts, letting my eyes glaze over as I skim past Twitter, and even changing the channel when it comes up on TV talk shows.

This is an instance where I’m six weeks out of the loop; what happens if it becomes six months? Longer?

We’re a spoilerific society…to the point where certain television shows have become PVR-proofed, ‘must-see’ events. Can I realistically believe that I’ll be able to cover my ears and hum?

I guess the catch-all answer is that if I no longer find myself in the fast lane of pop culture, that I won’t care about such spoilers…that it will all fade into a cacophony of names, faces and references that will be something between unknown entities and background noise. Sorta hard to imagine such a place, isn’t it? But then again, there’s more to life than pop culture.

Thanks for letting me think out loud.


For your listening and reading fulfillment, I give you…


Matthew and Alia turn their panel’d discussion on Super Zero towards KICK-ASS. Without having listened yet, I can assure you that the conversation will be a doozy.

There was a lot of discussion upon the release of CINDERELLA about its place in an increasingly feminist society. For one of the very best responses, please turn your attention to Ariel Fisher.

Flick Chicks turn one year old this week, and if you’ve ever kept a blog going for one year or more, you know how hard that is. Go wish them well!

I’m seeing HEAT on the big screen tonight for the first time ever. The cool thing about it is that it will mean that I’ve seen every film by Michael Mann in a cinema! So, apropos of that, it’s apropos that Dan is working through a Michael Mann series of his own and this week landed on ALI.

The generally accepted rule is that R-rated films aren’t for kids…but like every rule, there are exceptions. Withrow has cobbled together a list of some films that wear the scarlet letter that children should see.

Missus Hardesty was a busy bee this week. She dropped two separate posts on us, and both of them are dedicated to Billy Wilder…so of course, I must link to them. Begin here at Row Three where she reboots Finite Focus for a scene in THE APARTMENT, then head over to Flickchart for her top ten of the man’s filmography.

Want to annoy Getter Trumsi with your movie? Here’s ten quick ways to do it.


Then there’s the Tweet of The Week from Mister Marsh, which I gotta be honest, is a tweet I’d consider getting tattoo’d on me somewhere…



9 Replies to “Everybody’s Talkin’ 3 – 20 (Chatter from Other Bloggers)

  1. Thanks for the plug(s), Ryan! I’m certainly enjoying starting to put some of this Wilder research into action. These two certainly won’t be the last posts I make about him! The Flickchart one technically isn’t my personal Top Ten, it’s Flickchart’s global Top Ten (calculated from all users’ rankings), but it’s pretty close to what mine would be. I would personally pop out Sabrina and Stalag 17 from that list, and pop in One Two Three and The Major and the Minor.

  2. Thanks for the mention Ryan 🙂
    I completely sympathise with you with regards to spoilers, I’ve had to stop following my favourite shows on social media, because if I fall behind, all I have to do is open Twitter for it all to be ruined for me!
    – Allie

    1. I would imagine for Brits like you it can get even worse when a lot of the usual fan properties air so much sooner over here than they do over there, right?

  3. Hey man, thanks so much for the link, always an honor to be included in Everybody’s Talkin’! Now I’m off to read Dan’s piece on Ali.

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