75 minutes

Show Contents:
0:00 Intro
2:49 Know Your Enemy with guest Kurt Halfyard, from Row Three.
14:49 The New Slang: PERSONAL SHOPPER
44:11 SPOILER DISCUSSION about the final few scenes in PERSONAL SHOPPER
30:50 The Other Side: Kurt brings AUDITION, Ryan brings THE OTHERS

Thoughts from your host…



When the recording for Matineecast 173 concluded, and I walked back into my apartment, The Missus gave me a curious look.

“You’re done…already?? Are you and Kurt mad at each-other or something?…”

Now that I’ve locked the episode, I realize what she was talking about. After all, my guest has such a gift of gab, that he once held the record for the lengthiest single-guest episode of the podcast. But no, Kurt and I were not cross with each other, instead we happened to agree for once. Sometimes, while that can lead to less drama, it can likewise lead to a more succinct episode.

So while I realize many of you haven’t seen this film just yet, I do hope you’ll tune-in and allow us to whet your appetite.

If not, perhaps you’ll tune in and mull over Mister Halfyard’s answers to the rarely-posed fifth round of Know Your Enemy.


Thanks for tuning into episode one-hundred-seventy-three.


Links Mentioned in the Show

Kurt opines about Danny Boyle’s SUNSHINE.


Kurt’s Twitter feed can be found here.  You can subscribe to the Matineecast via iTunes or RSS

Comments and feedback are welcome, and thank-you very much for listening.
