43 minutes


Up for Discussion

Show Contents

0:00 Introduction with guest JESS ROGERS
47:02 The Other Side: Various descendants and influencers of WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT



Thoughts from your host…





March is shaping up to be the month that the podcast resets itself. I hadn’t anticipated getting ten weeks into the new year and only having two review episodes to show for it, but a perfect storm of cinematic slim pickens, life obstacles, and conflicting schedules brought us to this point. I’d like to say it couldn’t be helped, but I know that just a bit more determination could have found sitting a bit prettier at this early stage of 2016.


But it’s all good. Like the proverbial Stella, I have got my groove back.

We begin by getting our feet wet today with a more subdued and dialed-down episode. It’s one dedicated to a film I believe is worth checking out, but one that will be shuffled away in short order in order to make way for teenagers fighting through dystopia and superheroes fighting each-other. So before it leaves, allow us a moment to give it some thought.

For that, we bring on an old friend. We don’t subject her to do a lot of homework or answer a lot of questions. Instead, we just have her sit down on the balcony and shoot the shit. It brings about some wonderful results, and even leads me to believe it’s the sort of show I should post more often.

So here’s to fresh momentum, good films, and great friends.


Thanks for tuning into episode one-hundred-fifty-four.


Jess’ Twitter feed can be found here. You can subscribe to the Matineecast via iTunes or RSS

Comments and feedback are welcome, and thank-you very much for listening.
