Doubleback: ZOMBIELAND

Part of me wants to title this post “What Took Me So Long?”. Alas, every once in a while I manage to miss out on a fun time, and in 2009 it was ZOMBIELAND. The movie is about four people trying to survive an America that has been almost entirely overrun by zombies.

In a way, it’s hard to nail down precisely what I loved so much about ZOMBIELAND…perhaps it’s easier to start by saying there was nothing that I didn’t like! The jokes, the style, the acting, even the running gag about the rules of surviving in Zombieland. I was especially amused by Woody Harrelson who seems to be having more fun than he’s had in a long time.

Perhaps the only downside about not seeing a movie for five months is the fact that one of the best parts of the film – “the cameo” – was a detail I couldn’t avoid. It’s an unfortunate development, since while I found it to be a particularly awesome scene, I would have loved it just that little bit more if I didn’t know it was coming.

Thinking back on 2009, I wouldn’t quite say that ZOMBIELAND was the best film I saw all year (though it easily would have made my top ten). That in mind, I can say that of all the movies I saw in 2009, ZOMBIELAND was the movie that was the most fun.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a wicked hankering for a Twinkie.

15 Replies to “Doubleback: ZOMBIELAND

  1. Really had fun watching this as well. One of the few films that I actually would not mind if a sequel was made.

  2. You fell victim to the movie's charms juuuust like the rest of us did, MH — 'twas only a matter of time!

    Here's what I loved most about "Zombieland": the snappy, razor-sharp writing; the unlikely Eisenburg/Harrelson pairing; Abigail Breslin having some FUN with a role for once; and the cameo, which I hope no one ruined for you (Ebert ruined it for me).

  3. Definitely one of the best of the year. I was surprised to discover that it was really a roadtrip/coming of age flick. And the cameo for me wasn't really a cameo. First of all "they" played themselves and was in the movie for a lot longer than just a brief span. HILARIOUS part of the movie nonetheless. By far one of the most original and enjoyable movies I'd seen in a long time. And Woody kicked ass!

  4. Though I took a couple issues with a couple of little things – they were nothing that made me enjoy it any less. It was a hell of a lot of fun!

    I'm so thankful that I never heard the rumblings about the "cameo" – as it was quite the unexpected delicious little cookie.

  5. I'll tell you why I loved it. It's because it takes a delicate, sweet little coming-of-age familial drama and drops it within the framework of a zombie apocalypse.

    It indluges itself in some mindless splatter-violence without sacrificing character, and for all of its violence, I'll be damned if the film isn't a little bit endearing and, dare I say, cute.

  6. Holy Comments Batman!

    @ CS… Your wish is granted. They intend to make a sequel, and might well even try to turn this into an entire series of movies.

    @ Meredith… The cameo was indeed ruined, but it mostly came from the way I follow pop culture. Oh well – can't keep 'em all secrets!

    @ Heather… Yeah, i liked that all the characters grow a little through the course of the story, even the way they are forced to drop their outer defences.

    @ Charles… OK, I'll bite. What did you take issue with?

    @ Chase… Right on the money. It takes a straight up zombie movie and peppers it with just the right amount of actual characters to make us care about them and what they want.

    I mean hell…when was the last time you really pulled for a character to get his twinkie?

  7. Well, if you'll bite… I was pulling my hair out over the "here come the zombies – let's jump in the free fall ride" – but like I said it was more of a "how was that in any way a good idea moment?" than anything that detracted from my real enjoyment. There was a couple other plot holes – but they escape me at the moment. Hell of a lot of fun!

  8. This has seriously been on my list for an age and a half. I moved to Korea right before it came out and I never got my hands on it. Time to give it a try.

  9. I think you said it perfectly when you mentioned how there is just nothing not to like about this film. Sure, it's predictable and corny in some places, but that's also because it wants to be. This film is only trying to be one thing and that is a good time, and it certainly accomplishes that.

  10. @ Charles… I'm sure it seemed like a great idea at the time.

    @ Alfindeol… I feel your pain. This movie hit theatres just weeks before Lady Hatter and I got married so it got lost in the shuffle of trying to get things done.

    @ Danny… Yeah, I have to appreciate a film that knows what sort of audience it's after and can work accordingly. Part of me wonders if that wouldn't have made THE WOLFMAN into a better movie.

  11. It made my 2009 top ten, what more is there to say on that subject?

    Glad you finally got to see it and that you really dug it! I saw it at a preview screening a few days before it came out so the cameo wasn’t ruined for me.

  12. The best part of the movie for me was Bill Murray's cameo, and it was ten times better because I was completely shocked by it. I'm sorry you missed out on the surprise.

  13. @ Number Six… It wouldn't have cracked my top five, but would easily have made my top ten. This was the sort of flick I was truly bummed about waiting so long to see.

    @ Sasha… Well, way to go and spoil the cameo again!

    @ Cheshire… I know, right?

  14. I really enjoyed this movie, if you love or like or even slightly enjoy horror or zombie movies… I totally recommend you see this film! it has all the scare and gore you could want and also lots of great characters and laughs.

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