Just a few sleeps removed from being disappointed with the latest TERMINATOR offering, you’d think I’d be cautious about franchises that have overstayed their welcome. But right on cue, the trailer for CREED shows up, and I find myself…intrigued.

Perhaps the hitch is that I tapped out of ROCKY a long time ago. Perhaps this is heresy, but I’ve only actually ever seen the first and third ROCKY films from end-to-end. I know what happens in all the rest, but nobody has ever told me that I must see one of the remaining four. Or perhaps it’s because I like the acting chops of Michael B. Jordan in ways I don’t where Sly, Mr. T, Carl Weathers, or Milo Ventimiglia  are concerned.

So here I stand…ready to return to yet another franchise long ago left for dead. Is there a support group for people like me?


One Reply to “Here Comes a New Challenger: CREED Trailer”

  1. I think this is a very different situation than the Terminator franchise. First of all, we have a rising young actor, a rising director, and a trailer that makes it look surprisingly good. I’m a big Rocky fan, but it looks like this movie could even work without him! I’ll admit to being in the tank for this movie (I like Rocky Balboa almost as much as the original Rocky), but this trailer just made me more excited. No support group needed!

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