Things have been dark at The Matinee ever since Saturday afternoon, as you may or may not have noticed.

As it happens some fellow movie bloggers dropped by my fair city, and time had come to get out more (as a blog I read daily likes to put it). There was movie talk (of course) and even a classic Hitchcock screening, but more than anything there was quality time spent face to face. That’s the thing I think we continue to forget as we become more and more connected by interest:

No matter what your online interests are, think about getting in some facetime with these people…even if you just go for coffee. You might have more in common than you think.

Speaking of facetime, it’s become the thing I love most about TIFF, and the thing that will carry me through during a year where I am watching fewer films. And at TIFF 2016, a film I think will play extremely well is Denis Villeneuve’s ARRIVAL. Why? Because ever since the man went Hollywood three autumns back with PRISONERS, the man has pretty much been batting 1.000

I might not get to see this film at TIFF, but I promise you I will be seeing it soon. I can also promise more frequent updates around this space. Also, I can promise plenty of facetime with my friends as TIFF approaches.